Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Greetings all you pesky little annoying 'creatures'!

I don't mean you, yes, YOU who is reading this right now. Nor do I direct it to any of my friends or to anyone whom I know in particular. Those creatures I'm talking about, is of course, the ever-changing and quickly evolving lifestyle patterns in our pathetic little human shells. The so-called moral ethics and codes that one has to fit in to their already boring and mundane lifestyle occupied by other things in their life (read: it ends with -FRIEND. However, to place the word BOY- or GIRL- ahead of the ending word is an option), not to mention the ever increasing expectancy from the people, the society, towards you, yes, YOU again.

Yes, my first post in Blogspot and it is filled with anger. And all my other blogs will be filled with anger as well. Not that I'm promoting anger or anything, but this blog is supposed to be my alter-ego blog, which means, things that I can't write in my other blog due to goodwill and reputation, I can just dump it all here. Let's see if I can have a better readership than the other one, and if it does, we're all a bunch of screwed up people, who only gets excited by things like anger, hatred, horror, and bimbo blogs. 

Say hello to my five-fingered slap (open palm or closed palm is an option) you little 'creatures' and I bid farewell to my conscience and my self-restrictions through this blog...

Ah... finally, a breath of fresh air... it's therapeutic... 

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